Here are the latest main enhancements released with SwarShala 5:
Supports the new Expansion Pack 10 for Santoor. This new multi-layered, round-robin and multi-mics virtual instrument provides the most realistic emulation so far of the magnificent Indian dulcimer.
A special care has been put in reproducing the subtle and brilliant trills so characteristic of the instrument.
Doing your Riyaaz (practice) on your own is a very important part of learning Indian classical music. But what if your pitch is not correct while you practice? If your teacher is not around, you may spend hours and hours building up a wrong rendering of a bandish.
You can now tailor the sounds of Practice pane using third-party audio effects like reverb, compression, equalization, delay, etc... These can be applied to individual instruments, to the global performance, and even to your incoming audio (voice) in case you want to record or stream your performance.
SwarShala 5 includes different functionality that make full use of your audio input, be it your voice or an instrument played through the mic, like pitch detection, recording or streaming. Before you use those, it is important to have this audio input channel set up perfectly.
You can now accompany your riyaaz by playing any SwarShala instrument using a simple MIDI controller keyboard! This will also allow you to have a real performance using the instrument of your choice.
One of the very interesting new features of SwarShala 5 is to be able to save an audio file of your riyaaz or performance by a simple click. You can even have a copy automatically converted to MP3, so you can share it immediately with your friends and fans. We are going to explain here how to make the most of this new functionality.
One of the few positive aspects of the latest pandemic was the push it gave to sharing performances online. Even otherwise shy musicians started performing their music to an online audience. But whoever tried that soon found out it was an extremely tedious task to stream a good sound. This is now made easier with SwarShala 5, though you'll still require a specific audio configuration of your system that may be challenging for some.
With SwarShala 4, you were already able to create a melodic sequence in its most specific details (notes with their exact duration, pitch modulations/meend, emphasis, style, expression, comments, etc...). We have now added the lyrics so your bandishes can be complete. This way you can sing along without the need of a separate book or paper.