Here are the steps: -
a. In the Global Tab (Sub header) click SESSION panel.
b. Click on the New icon (below the Session Name column).
c. There appears a New Session pop up. Give the desired name to your session and press OK to save. You see your session loaded in the Session Name column.
d. Now do the desired settings for various controls like Tune on, Raga, Tempo etc.
e. Go through all the Tabs (Rhythm, Melody etc....) one by one and make desired changes there.
f. Now go to (Edit) Raga Tab and fine tune the notes if needed.
g. If you like, go to FX Tab and engage EQ, Reverb and Envelop as per your session requirements. Fine tune these effects to your taste. Just note that adding FX might consume more CPU and therefore create some glitches in the sound on some mobile models.
h. Your changes are always saved automatically, so you don't need to do anything else.